You know when your girlfriend is mad at you but won’t tell you why she’s mad at you? Watching Rachel Homan facing China last night I was having flashbacks of my ex-wife. She wasn’t saying it, but I could just tell she wasn’t having a good time. Of course if you asked her “is something wrong?” you’d get a terse “Nope.” A gentle follow up of “are you sure, honey?” and she would just say “I’m FINE” with that tone that tells you that she really isn’t. So I kept my mouth shut. This time.
I was schooled early (and harshly) in life not to suggest a woman smile more. I think it would be easy to throw that suggestion Canada’s way. But these women don’t need any help being top CurlingHotties. That eyeliner all of the Canadian women wear makes those piercing eyes POP. The Lululemon-esque tights… they couldn’t wear them better. These girls are the gorgeous sorority sisters who go to the club together and those of us who are brave enough to approach the herd are certainly rebuked. Their serious look makes them feel unapproachable and you think you’ve got a way to talk to one of them by saying “you’d be prettier if you smiled more.” You’d be wrong.
Canada’s women don’t need to smile more. They just don’t look like they are having any fun out there. When you make it to the Olympics, you’ve already made it, so enjoy the excitement of playing as much as we are in watching.
And if I happen to come up to you at the bar and say hi I promise not to tell you to smile more but you’ve got to at least seem mildly impressed if I can quote your draw percentages.